Since May, the track machines and construction cranes building Southwest Lines’ Empire City Subdivision have been dormant following a building rush in Dertinia. A few days ago, however, the heavy equipment began its roar again as SWL management restarted construction along Olympia’s Gold Coast. Recent efforts have brought sweeping changes to the line. Trainz Global News sent a helicopter over the massive construction zone to survey what changes have taken place. An overview of what the route looks like now. North is at top, I think.
[/character] Ok, enough newspaper article-ing! This route is actually the first route I ever began building in Trainz. I just recently went back to it and gave it a new backstory and a new location, as well as some of the things you see here. As you can see from the map above, the route’s pretty wide, but it’s not particularly long. I’m…getting to that. Right now, I’m focusing on the southern terminus, Port Minos, as scenery is one of my weaker points (especially urban scenery). If you want to give me pointers, I’d be glad to listen. Anyway, thanks for looking! I hope you have enjoyed. More pictures will be coming! I promise!
Also I do apologize for the lack of posts. I was figuring out how I wanted this whole blog/Youtube channel to go, and I think I’ve found a direction, so posts should get a bit more regular. Who knows, maybe you’ll even get a video! 🙂